The Moon as a Gateway to Unity: A Path Toward Healing and Harmony

My Intentions

Welcome, and thank you for taking the time to read these words in the seemingly endless expanse of information on the internet. As I navigate this vast digital realm, which I often refer to as "the shimmer" (a term borrowed from the film Annihilation and popularized by Erick Godsey), I’ve grown more intentional and mindful about the content I absorb and share.

My children are watching me. They’re learning from the way I interact with the world, and I want them to know that this "black hole" of information, while fascinating at helpful at times, can also be a distraction from living our true purpose.

My purpose here is to share my art, my thoughts, and invite you to join me in envisioning a better, more connected world. I have yet to meet anyone who believes our current way of living is anywhere near our highest potential. So why not aim to reach it together?

The Lunar Cycle: A Personal Awakening

It wasn’t until my I was a baby adult, around the age of nineteen, that I first became aware of the moon in any meaningful way. Up until then, I had never given much thought to the celestial body that governs our tides, rhythms, and cycles. It wasn’t until I learned about the connection between women’s menstrual cycles and the lunar cycle that I started paying closer attention. This discovery was nothing short of magical.

Over a period of a few months, I began to observe the moon each night, setting an intention with its phases. To my amazement, my body, in its natural rhythm, began to align with the lunar cycle. I bled with the new moon. If that isn't witchy magic, I don’t know what is.

This was the first time I truly understood the profound connection we have with the natural world around us. It wasn’t just about observing the moon—it was about recognizing that we are part of something much greater, something that transcends time, space, and even language. I recognized just how powerful our intentions are, that they flow with the same energy that pulses through the universe. It was a revelation that changed how I saw the world.

Why Should Anyone Care About the Moon?

There is one thing we all share and that is our ability to look up at the same moon. Race, religion, location are of no importance. No matter where we are on this planet, we all witness the same celestial body, albeit from different perspectives. The moon’s phases remain the same, whether you are in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern.

In a world that has become increasingly disconnected—where isolation often results from our “grind” mentality—the moon offers us a shared point of connection. If we, as a global community, were to become more mindful of the lunar cycle, I believe it would foster a deeper understanding of our shared humanity.

We live in a time where patriarchal values dominate, often to the detriment of our collective well-being. The structures of the masculine while important—logic, action, competition, and external validation—have become the blueprint for success. By focusing heavily to only one side, we have lost touch with the feminine: intuition, reflection, nurturing, wisdom, and receptivity.

A Path to Unity: The Balance of Energies

This imbalance—this collective disconnection—has created disharmony, not just within us as individuals, but within the world itself. We are constantly out of sync with the natural rhythms that guide us. The moon, as simple as it may seem, offers a solution, at the very least a gateway to a solution. By paying attention to its cycles, we begin to reconnect with the feminine energy within us all, establishing a sense of harmony.

The moon teaches us the language of flow, of the feminine. Just as the tides ebb and flow with the moon, we too must learn to balance our own energetic rhythms. Life does not need to be defined by a system that encourages us to live out of harmony with ourselves and thus the world. Our very existence should be in rhythm and alignment with all that is.

By observing the lunar cycle, we can learn when to push forward and when to rest. When to expand, and when to contract. It is about synchronizing with the natural world, ourselves, rather than fighting against it.

Imagine a world where we all aligned with the rhythms of the moon. A world where we understood that our bursts of energy are just that—bursts—and that rest, reflection, and restoration are just as vital. In this world, we would no longer view "down time" as laziness or weakness. We would embrace it as an essential part of our human experience.

What if men and women alike honored the natural rhythms of the day - the sun and the monthly rhythms of the moon. I see it as a pathway to healing and to peace. When we recognize the interconnectedness of all things—when we feel the pulse of life that binds us all together—how could we ever again justify war, violence, or destruction? How could we drop bombs on families, when we know that those families are, in fact, a reflection of ourselves? Every act of terror is an act of violence unto ourselves. Every act of harm we cause another is a reflection of the self-hatred we carry within us.

A Vision for a New World: Unity Through Connection

Perhaps this is a far leap to make, but I believe by starting with something as simple as the observation of the moon, we could quickly transform our relationships with ourselves and all of humanity.

The moon is such a great place to start. It is so simple. It is accessible. It unites us. We all share the same sky. And in observing the moon, we begin to see the deeper truth of our interconnectedness. We are not separate from the natural world; we are part of it. The language of the moon, the feminine, invites us to recognize this.

When we feel that connection, the veils of separation drop. We no longer live isolated lives, cut off from one another and from the world around us. We see that even though we may be physically alone at times, we are never truly alone. We are part of a larger whole, and that whole is pulsing together.

We all need clean air, soil, and water to live. We all need to feel seen, to feel loved and in community to thrive. Imagine a world where it was second nature to speak in terms of energy, of connection. A world where we no longer sought validation in external achievement, but in the simple, profound truth that we are part of something far greater. That, together, we pulse in harmony with the rhythms of life, the tides, the moon, the stars, and the very earth beneath our feet.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

The moon is a gateway. It is a bridge that unites us all. By simply observing it, by aligning ourselves with its natural rhythms, we can reconnect with ourselves, with each other, and with the world around us. We can dissolve the illusion of disconnect and separateness that has led to war, isolation, and destruction of not only our fellow humans, but all forms of life. We can heal the wounds of self-hatred and division by recognizing that we are all part of the same cosmic dance.

I invite you to join me to begin the art of observation starting with the moon. If you are not already doing so and have no idea where to start, I’ve created a very simple guide to break down how to understand the energetic symbolism behind the phases of the moon in four simple parts. I explain in few words how to set an intention and reflect on where we are in the lunar cycle. Simply sign up at the bottom of this page and you will receive the guide in your inbox.

May we begin to create a world that lives in harmony with the natural rhythms of life—where peace, love, and connection are no longer ideals, but living truths. In order to see any of this in our outer world, we must first feel harmony and connection to ourselves.

I believe anything is possible and I love to believe that we can align with the flow of the universe, that we can expand our understanding of our position in the world as creators, and we can act not in opposition to, but in harmony with all that is.

Thank you for reading and taking the time to consider our highest potential for living in this moment.


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